Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ruminating retail

There's a supervisor position opening at my work and I don't know if I should take it.  One of my coworkers told me about it and seems pretty adamant that I apply for it.  It sounds pretty good on paper except I would have to open and close the store, which means getting up earlier and staying at the store later.  I know that sounds really petty but I hate getting up early in the morning.  I can barely wake up and get to the store at my appointed time now.  Plus, if I'm the only supervisor there, I would be the one the associates would call if they have a question or a problem with a customer.  I'm not sure if I'm ready to handle that responsibility.  I have to call the current supervisors quite often myself.  Especially when I have an angry customer.  I just let the supervisor deal with it so I won't have to.  But, if I become supervisor, I'll have to.

Plus, I'll have keys and codes that I'll have to keep track of.  More responsibility.  I'm not sure if I can handle it.  I kind of already feel stressed out enough.  I'm basically in charge of my department now but because I'm an associate, there's a slight buffer zone of responsibility where I can ask for help and/or let someone else take care of a certain situation.  If I become a supervisor, it'll all be on me.

I also don't want to be so tied down to the place.  Being a peon associate, I kind of feel like I can come and go pretty easily.  I show up and do my job and leave.  There's no extra paperwork or scheduling to do.  I just fold some shirts and get the heck up out of there.  I just wonder how all the extra hours will affect my ability to work on my animations.  I also wonder how it will affect my ability to leave if I ever did get an internship.  I hoped they would let me off for as long as the internship lasted and then would let me back when it was over (if the internship didn't lead to any job opportunities).  Being an associate, I don't think it would be much of a problem.  But, being a supervisor, that probably wouldn't work out so well.

But then again, what if I don't get a better job or an internship any time soon or at all?  I would hate to miss this opportunity, as this will probably be the last opportunity for a long while.  There really is no option for advancement as everyone has been at this job for most of their lives.  Seriously.  These people have been locked into their positions since for over forty years.  For some, this has been there one and only job the whole time.  So, this is an extremely rare opportunity for advancement and for a pay raise, which I need desperately.  But, I've heard conflicting wage amounts.  Some say it won't be much more (which I don't see being worth pursuing) and others say it will be a lot more (which would be worth pursuing) so I don't know what to do.

I kind of like the idea of being a supervisor.  I like the idea of the associates being happy that I'm working with them instead of some other supervisors.  I know I dread working with some and enjoy working with others so I'd like to be that supervisor people enjoy working with.  It would make me feel good.  I just worry I might not be stern enough when it comes time to discipline someone who might not be doing what they are supposed to.  I am pretty non-confrontational.

Then again, having supervisory experience would look good on my resume when I apply for a different job.

There's good and there's bad to this position.  I just can't figure out which one weighs more.

I don't want to screw up and take the position and then hate it and either be stuck there or embarrassed by having to revert back to my old position.  I also don't want to miss this opportunity for advancement and regret it.

I have to hand in my application by Thursday.  Not much time to make a decision.
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