I often peruse the app store and go to the top 25 apps to see what fun and popular apps are out there. It saves me the trouble of weeding through the tons of crappy apps. All the work's been done for me!
I came across the Draw Something! app and was pretty excited. It's like Pictionary for your smart phone and although I haven't drawn in
years, I thought it might be a fun, simple, no pressure way to get back into it. I really enjoyed it! Things got really fun once I got my iPad and had more room to get a bit more precise. There's only so much you can do with your finger and a small screen.
So, in a half-hearted effort to gain more readers by posting more pictures, I thought I'd share some screen caps of some of my better drawings.
Note: I don't always put so much effort into my drawings because sometimes I get lazy and plus, the game records you as you draw and then plays it back to the person you're drawing with. And when you get really detailed with your drawings, it takes a lot of time. And when it takes a lot of time, the other person has to sit there and wait for you to finish and it can get boring for the other person to have to sit there for five minutes while you're shading.
After I finished this one, I realized the arm didn't look right. Heck yes I copied this picture from the Internet (I'm definitely not good enough to draw from memory) but that's how it looked in the picture I got it from. When I tried to correct it, the game told me I ran out of ink. |
Ah, good old sriracha. My roommate in college used to put this on everything. Eggs, pizza, and I think even his pancakes at one point. He was out of syrup and it was just there chilling, so...a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do. |
Once again, I ran out of ink and couldn't finish. |
Ran out of ink again. I wish they'd take those ink restrictions off. |
Ran out of ink again. I was almost finished with the caption, too. Oh, well. |
I didn't like this one at first when I was drawing it (hence the blah...I got frustrated) but when I looked back, I liked it a bit more. |
Hey, I'm just being honest. Sometimes you gotta get right to the point. |