Monday, September 17, 2012


I got a letter in the mail the other day.  Jury summons next Monday.  I was intrigued at first but when I realized it wasn't an invitation to view a taping of Judge Judy, I was dismayed.  I had actually planned on taking some time off from work during the week I was set up for jury duty so that messed it up.

My parents told me I probably wouldn't be able to get out of it so I accepted my fate and talked to a few co-workers about it.  One said she has easily gotten out of it twice.  She said they give you three exemptions but you must go on the fourth and each subsequent summons.

So, I gave it some thought and considered calling to tell them it would be a hardship on me and my job since re-scheduling vacation time would be difficult for my job.  But the longer I thought about it, I became more reluctant.

Depending on the case, jury duty could be interesting.  Or with my luck, it could be hell.  But, being as paranoid as I am, if I only have three chances to get out of it, I don't know if I want to waste it by just saying it would be a hardship when it really isn't.  I just don't want to do it.  But what if the next three times they call me, I really can't serve?  What if I'm in the hospital or in rehab or crossing the border with a colon full of cocaine at the time?  Of course, I might never be called again but I don't want to chance it.  If I can do it, might as well.

And it gives me at least another day away from work, or even more if I am selected.  Hey, that's a mini vacation right there!

It's sad when you dislike your work so much you'd rather do jury duty just to get a break from the job for a while.

I re-scheduled my vacation for next month.  I have time off that won't roll over to next year so I have to use it up or it'll be gone.  I'll get a whole week.  I'm pretty stoked about it.  I thought about going back to Savannah, GA for a few days.  I just never travel, never get out, never explore.  Mostly because I'm lazy but also because I just don't know where I'd go.  There's a great big world out there ready to be seen and walked on and photographed but I don't know where to start.  It could be good to start in the last place I left.  It would be nice to go back and take a look at all the places I used to go when I was an art student there, except this time I won't have the overwhelming pressure of art projects and prick professors hovering over me.

Or I could just save the money and stay at home and treat myself to a pizza. 

I haven't decided yet.
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